“Sojourn” is a continuation of Z.Z. Wei’s ongoing narrative and interpretation of rural America. Having lived in the Northwest for almost 30years these paintings focus on his experiences with the landscape Wei’s ability to depict beauty in what others might see as decay or abandonment is extraordinary, and these works focus on sharing his observations: whether it be the allure of a dilapidated …
“Sojourn” is a continuation of Z.Z. Wei’s ongoing narrative and interpretation of rural America. Having lived in the Northwest for almost 30years these paintings focus on his experiences with the landscape Wei’s ability to depict beauty in what others might see as decay or abandonment is extraordinary, and these works focus on sharing his observations: whether it be the allure of a dilapidated truck, an abandoned dwelling, a meandering road, undulating fields of golden wheat, or the long shadows cast upon the roadside by tall trees. Wei’s distinct style, energetic brushwork, and saturated …